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Valentine's Day Etiquette for the Office

Posted by Judy on Feb 1st 2016

More than 150 million cards, 196 million roses and 58 million pounds of chocolate candy will be sent on Valentine’s Day. If you plan to deliver romantic greetings to the office, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Make sure your sweetheart will be comfortable getting a gift at work. She may love getting a huge bouquet of flowers, or she may feel uncomfortable because it makes co-workers envious. Or if it’s a he, the notion of receiving any sort of gift at work may make him cringe.
  • Some banks, schools and companies have rules about accepting gifts from parents, clients, business associates or suppliers. Make sure it’s all right to send a gift.
  • Romantic e-cards may be frowned upon in your sweetheart’s workplace. Many employers monitor email traffic. A hot message could also cause embarrassment if it ends up in the wrong inbox. Paper greeting cards are discreet and make better keepsakes.
  • Don’t send a personal gift to the office. Leave the jewelry, lingerie and perfume for home.
  • A box of candy is very likely to be opened and shared with others at the office. Your gift will be appreciated by many, but make sure you’re happy with having your expensive chocolates devoured by your sweetheart's co-workers.
  • Gifts to someone you’re trying to impress are risky: presents to a boss look like fawning, presents to someone you barely know can be creepy.
  • If you do send flowers, balloons or candy, don’t forget the card. It’s embarrassing to thank the wrong person.